

From now on,I'm a member of job hunters in China.So, for the job I dreamed,I 've found a partner to prepare for it together. I also find it's a process to cognize myself and improving my capcity.

we had a kickoff 2 days ago,and began with discussing the goal and plan of our partnership,what we wanna gain from this experience.
we are still mending the rules of out activities.in the early,we'll prepare there questions everyday.here are today's there questions as follow:

1. the defeat you encountered as well as how did you solve it.
2.what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses ?
3. the most innovative things you have done .

here 's my answer:
1. the failure is about my post graduate apply.The postgraduate college which I applied for is Sun Yat-Sen University. After one year's hard working, I got a excellent performance in the both Preliminary and final test,when I was waiting to receive the offer,unfortuntly,I've not pass the interview.
afterward,I draw the reason for this failture. first,I made 2 strategic mistakes in the prepare stage. secondly,I do have some weakness for interwiew.At that moment,I've several choice,one is take this test in the next year,the other is to find a job,third is to apply for other college which I may not familiar with.
At last,I take the last one.I realised that aura is very good for people to grow up,that's why most of the company like to enroll the man come from famous universities.however, the more impotant lie in yourself, even you are under a great aura, if you don't take the chance it takes to you,the aura would be noting. That's why I made this decision.

2. above all,I am learning fast,with good analytical capability. I'm the friendly sort, quite frank and value my friendships highly. It attract lots of friends around me,so I'm a good team player especially when there are some confict. sometimes I am the excellent ability of systematical management.
however,I am not courage enough to realise my idea, so I lost some fun in my life.

3 for tomorrow.

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